Clear Power Coaching

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Before & After Pics

When I partook of the Alcohol Experiment in 2019, it was suggested to take photos of yourself at the start and end of the 30 days. I didn’t do it. I was convinced I wouldn’t see a difference. I mean, I didn’t drink THAT much, right? And I didn’t want to be discouraged. But then two different acquaintances that I’d met right around 4 1/2 years ago but hadn’t seen since commented that they almost didn’t recognize me - and asked what I was doing.

Top row: a night out with my daughter, with alcohol and sans.

Bottom row: with and without.

I didn’t want to be overly dramatic….I could easily produce photos where the difference would look even more stark.

Can you see a difference? Email me or comment below!


Martha Wright is a New Orleans-born wine industry veteran turned sobriety/mindful drinking coach working in small groups and 1:1 in her own practice, Clear Power Coaching, as well as serving as Senior Coach within This Naked Mind. Using her background as a winemaker, and as a recipe-developer, right-hand and wrangler for Food Network chefs, her unique path to giving alcohol the pink-slip focuses on kicking up the lusciousness and fun in our lives (plus of course understanding the neuroscience of habits, uncovering unconscious beliefs, and honing coping tools). She splits her time between Paris, Portland, Oregon, and New Orleans where you can find her sleuthing out the best street-food markets, coffee shops and non-alcoholic venues, hosting NA meet-ups, or playing ping pong.