Clear Power Coaching

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We Can Do Better Than Dry January!

You Deserve A Juicy Life, Not A Dry One! Join Me For A Luscious January (and Feb and March!)

A typical Dry January feels good…for a very short while. If you’re like most people, you’ve paired it with some healthier eating and some exercise and the new routine and cleanse feel good at first. But the memories of the holiday indulgences fade, real life stressors creep in and we still regard alcohol as a reward or a de-stressing agent, or both! Ask me how I know! :)

Lasting habit change requires more than just the typical dry january approach. Humans do things for a benefit, so my program is focused on making this adventure about finding MORE in your life AF, not less. Together we’ll 1) identify and poke holes in our long-held beliefs about alcohol, 2) pay attention to the words we use about this journey - are we seemingly alone in our inability to change this habit and someone who needs to fix something vs. a bad-ass on a radical growth adventure, questioning status quo and part of an exciting movement, and 3) get pumped up about what we’re saying yes to when we say no to a drink!

There’s more. Lots more, in my new course Luscious AF. (see what others say about the course below).

You’ll band together in a small-group with others just like you. And together we’ll explore some foundational science of habits and craving in ways you haven’t heard it explained. We’ll talk a lot about the power we have over our own thoughts….a new superpower. And especially we’ll dig into the ways and why’s of cultivating play, joy and delight. (These are not “extras” to add in only when you’ve done enough work!!)

Another limitation of the typical Dry January is….it’s too limited. You know you’d like support through that first quarter of the year, so I’m offering the essential 3C’s (content, coaching and community) from January through end of March so that you feel very solid for an empowered 2024.

You retain access to the content, so you can go back over the videos, resource guides and journaling guide for as long as you want!

I’m grateful for your faith in me as you’ve come along on this journey. So I’m giving you a special code, ELF, to use at checkout to take $100 off the program fee!! (valid through December 31)!!

Find details and enroll now!

What other “students” are saying about the course:

“Since starting Luscious AF, I've quit drinking and discovered an inspiring community. I'm building a life I love, fueled by Martha's insights into human behavior and her fun, creative approach. She helped me find peace and understand myself better, offering resources at just the right moment. Don't miss the chance to work with Martha – she's a true gift to anyone ready to reclaim their life." S.G., 55

“The Luscious AF experience in a word is energizing. The modules are bite-sized and insightful. At the group coaching sessions I’ve found exactly what I was hoping for which is a space to reflect and talk about what it’s like being on this journey of going alcohol-free, what’s hard, what’s joyful, while learning from others’ experiences, and feeling supported and empowered by it all.” A.W., 51

“I love everything! I can tell how much care and work you have put into this program. I love the upbeat energy and focus on joy, fun and play. I also appreciate all the science and educational components - the handouts are very clear and great resources. I’m enjoying the journal too. I’m looking forward to spending more time with that. I moved ahead and must say I love modules 10 and 11! It’s all gold! “ S.K., 47